All you need is within you.
All about me
Artis, Expressive Arts Facilitator, Forest Therapy Guide
Sheila Burgos
My name is Sheila Burgos; I was born in Puerto Rico, "La Isla del Encanto". I have a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Arts from The University of Puerto Rico and have studied Abstract Art at The League of Art of San Juan, but you can say I learn the most in the experimentation process. Since my childhood, I’ve been passionate about creating, transforming, and making art. I used to spend my days in my grandmother's home, making these huge abstract paintings; They were like Kaleidoscopes, fragments of my experiences are how I envisioned them.
I’m an Expressive Arts facilitator and a Certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach. Expressive arts bridges the gap between the conscious and the unconscious mind. It can bring light to areas of therapy that are blocked, inhibited, and stuck, as well as bring greater focus to those areas of concern. The primary focus is on the process, which allows a person to discover new insight and meaning that might not be achieved with traditional talk therapy.
I’m also ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide. Nature is a big factor in my life, I believe our relationship with nature helps us heal and connect better with others. I have certified studies in Ecotherapy by the Earth Body Institue and I love to combine art and nature in my practice. Combining the power of art and nature is what I call “Creation Elixir”.
I believe in the healing power of Nature and art since it has helped me with my autoimmune disease. You can read more about my story here and here.
You can see my art here. Gracias!!!